
>> Sunday, July 19, 2009

Friday morning was an adventure. It was raining out and Sam had slept over at Ethan and Taylor's house. I needed to pick him up, so I put on my sturdy Doc Martens (yep, I still wear them sometimes) and went out in the rain to find a cab. Lo and behold, the driveway out to the street was flooded.

I decided to build a mini-bridge. I grabbed a brick from a pile of rubble and put it out in the flow of water. I went back to get another brick, stepped on the brick I had placed earlier, and placed the new brick. Then I returned for another brick, placing it again at the end of the mini-bridge. I followed this pattern until I had built a little bridge to cross my mini-river. Feeling triumphant, I walked up the hill to the main road.

It was even more flooded. People walking down the street had their pants rolled up and their sandals on and were wading through the water. I tried to find my path the best I could, but buses came by and splashed me and there were deep water flows that couldn't be crossed by mini-bridges. I finally figured out a way to cross the street and walk on a curb. By this time, I was soaked up to my knees and had been splashed all over by passing buses.

I got a cab, thankfully. We started to go down the road and ran into the roads in the pictures above. Cars had stalled in the flooded road and guys were pushing them out. The driver stopped and watched and waited. Luckily, our side of the road was a little higher in elevation and, after seeing multiple cars drive by successfully, my cab driver drove through. We made it safely and had a good laugh.


Leila July 21, 2009 at 4:45 PM  

I am so glad you have a blog. I can't wait to hear what you guys are up to and see pictures and all. I wish we could all live close and hang out but this is a pretty good alternative considering you are in China. I'll keep checking your blog so keep on posting.

C July 28, 2009 at 8:19 AM  

You could always come to China to visit! It is great to see your blog, too. Everyone is growing up so much and I love love love that you have 4 girls now.

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